Many men, many minds. As far as the definition of patriotism is concerned, we might not be on the same page, but it is for sure that we will be in the same book “Love for Nation”. To simplify things, we may say that patriotism is the love for nation. Now the questions one can ask are: What kind of love it is and how you depict this love? Is patriotism only reserved for soldiers? Is it reserved for certain occasions? Is it a momentary feeling?

Love for nation is unlike your love for your family or your clan. Unlike your family and clan, nation is a concept which inhabits the mind of the people organized based on a shared culture, beliefs, heritage etc. Nation is a sublime feeling which is not restricted by physical boundaries and the government in power. Remember, the last time you proudly said I am an Indian in a foreign country. The love for nation can be depicted in different ways in different spheres of life. Soldiers depicts their love through guarding the physical boundaries of country under adverse conditions and many a times sacrificing their lives for the nation. Likewise, any individual working in any kind of legal profession can show their love for their nation through fulfilling their duties responsibly and honestly. We can say that we can customize our love for the nation through our professions and deeds. Neither patriotism as a feeling is reserved for any occasion or category of people nor it is momentary in nature. If a nation as a concept fails in the minds of the people, then even the soldiers can’t guard the physical boundaries.

Now the big question is “Does designing custom-shirts based on the theme of our freedom struggle, culture, heritage etc. depicts the love for nation?” You might say maybe or maybe not. As we said before, we might be in any kind of profession for a living, but we can always customize our love for the nation through our profession and deeds. We will make sure our deeds not only reflect our noble thoughts but also our love for the nation. Through our personalized/customized t-shirts we not only want you to wear patriotism on your sleeves but also make your love for the nation apparent through your actions. Together we act and reach the R-Spot to feel the real love for our nation.


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